1) Gypsy Den. You have no idea how badly I want a hobo bowl right now... or a plate of nachos... or a freakin' chai!!!!! But the thing I miss most about Gypsy is the friendship it promised. I knew that no matter what time of day I went there, someone's familiar face would be nestled in the corner, emerged in a book or good conversation. There is something so comforting about running into your favorite people at your favorite cafe.
2) Sunday Brunch: Good ol' apartment-style brunch with A.J., Jazz and Kelly. Btw, "apartment-style" means 1pm (Yes, 1pm. As long as you are in your pj's, it still counts!!) Nothing Compares to the Soyrizo and eggs, tortilla, Tapatio and not-quite-ripe avocados that made up most of our brunches. Oh, and don't forget the midday drinking... Mimosas, baby!! There is no better way to celebrate a Sunday.
3) Monday Night Pizza: I don't care where. Mondays always suck. Pizza and friends made it better.
4) Trash TV: Teen Mom, Bad Girls Club, Jersey Shore... I miss the love-hate relationship I used to have for these shows and they're really not as entertaining when you watch them alone. I find myself being more disgusted with each passing episode. It's really not the same without Jazz, A.J. and J.P. :(
5) Dance Parties: It didn't matter if it was a Saturday night at Memphis or a Tuesday night at the Birdhouse, dance parties were a part of my weekly regimen. Here in Anacortes, it's hard to find the youngin's. I know they're somewhere... I just can't figure out where they're hiding out. Where is the indie music?! Where are the Miley remixes? Come on, WA!!! Where are you?!
6) Boxed Wine Fetish: When you live in an apartment with 5 people, one bottle of wine just isn't going to cut it. Or five bottles, for that matter. Thus, the boxed wine fetish was born. 5 liters of wine for only 8 dollars?? How can this be?! And that 5 liters would get us all sufficiently intoxicated for at least 3 days... which was awesome.
Things I Love About Anacortes
1) Weather: (Oh, the weather outside is weather...) Yes it's freezing most of the time but the sun continues to shine all day long. For a California girl like me, anything below 45 degrees is craaayyyzeee!! But I love it. My teeth chatter on the way to the market and a heavy jacket is necessary at all times. Not to mention, the air is as clear as you'll ever see it. Ever notice that the smog in Costa Mesa hides the surrounding mountain ranges 90% of the time? Did you even know that Orange County lies between the mountain and the beach?? I always forget about them. But here in Anacortes, the blinding white peaks of Mt. Baker refuse to be overlooked in the landscape.
2) Brewing: Home beer brewing, that is. I feel like everyone here does it. It's an underground community... like swing dancing in the 30's. There is a love affair with the art, but no one talks about it. It's a secret. In our kitchen, a giant 5 gallon jug of honey lager bubbles and stews. I can't wait for it to be done.

3)The Brown Lantern: Probably the coolest bar in town... but we have no one to go with :( I think my favorite part about the place is the "Wall of Fire" which boasts an extensive assortment or hot sauces - a Southern Californians dream. I feel like most restaurants and pubs just don't understand the romance a good bottle of hot sauce can bring to a meal. The Brown Lantern does! Also, they host a trivia night, open mike night and live bands... Fun fun fun.
4) Orcas: Resident orcas are extremely uncommon... and here in Anacortes, about a hundred of them live all year long in the North Puget Sound. Killer Whales typically prefer colder water and coastal regions, making Fidalgo Island an ideal nesting spot.
5) Tulips: driving down Highway 20 during the spring will give you the most breathtaking view of tulips and daffodils... probably ever. Skagit County is the largest tulip grower in the world. But the interesting thing about Skagit County? They don't harvest the flowers. They let them die, then dig up the bulbs and sell them. Also, hundreds of swans gather in the tulip fields to forage for food in the late winter. It's really unique.
6) Vivid Wake-Up Calls: I wake up at about 6:30 every morning because my white walls turn a dusty shade of pink. When I look out my window, I see Mt. Baker's rosy glow shining like the sun and the pale waters of the bay mimic the colors of the flirtatious sunrise creeping over the mountain ranges. It makes me giggle a little before I pull the covers over my head and fall back asleep for another hour or so.
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