Sunday, August 8, 2010

This and That

Life has been slow here in the northwest... not to mention cold. It rained all day on Saturday, yet hundreds of people flocked to the Arts Festival downtown. And no one had an umbrella. Funny, isn't it? That an outsider is distinguished by their use of an umbrella? As if it's a preposterous and frivolous luxury. But every time a townie stumbled into the wine shop, shivering and drenched, all I could think was, "You are an idiot." And still they bitched through chattering teeth about how all these tourists are crowding the sidewalks with their umbrellas. Good grief.
I guess I have taken a break from blogging simply because, in an effort to "just get by" we have forgotten to enjoy it a little... but at the same time, I would much rather wake up one morning and realize that we made it back to Orange County, safe and sound. Also, the novelty of living in the northwest has sort of lost its charm. Now the dense reality of overbearing liberals and Obama-loving extremists has finally set in. And what's with this "3 Minute Shower" campaign? Seriously? I am all about saving the planet but not at the expense of cleanliness. Oh, I also discovered that California is one of the "greenest" states in the country. They use the same amount of energy as they did 30 years ago, yet their economy has increased by 80 percent. So booya, California haters!!! So with that said, blogging about our lives up here without gushing on the queerness of it all, leaves me with little to report. Everything is more mundane and routine. 6 months in a new town feels like forever.

There is, however, a bit of news on the job front. We have our fingers crossed for a potential job for Will... I am praying and praying that he gets a positive call in the next few days from US Bank. Our lives are on the brink of change!!! But while I am extremely optimistic about this prospect, I am still trying not to jinx it by being overly presumptuous. So enough of this topic!!

Remember that bike I bought?? I have yet to ride it. The breaks are weak and need to be changed, which isn't terribly hard to do, but I cant seem to motivate myself. Also, I need to make a few pricy aesthetic changes like a new paint job and saddle but those are a low priority as far as spending money goes. So it sits in the garage , lonely and pouting like a puppy in time-out.

There are a lot of things in my life that I struggle to find motivation for.... reading, organizing, exercising. The list is extensive. But no matter how much I need to do these things, I always find myself succumbing to the call of Netflix... "just veg out," it says. And I agree. Oh, how I need to go to the gym!! In a mere month and a half I will be sunbathing on the beaches of Hawaii with all too flabby arms... gross. But as long as there is plenty of wine, I suppose it doesn't matter. Wine is the root of all my laziness.

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