Friday, November 12, 2010

Pie and Happiness.

Will and I rarely have days off together anymore. It sucks. I spend my days off, lonely and introverted and he spends his time off visiting me at work - Which is great but... I still have to work. Yesterday was Veterans Day so naturally the banks are closed (they close for everything) and I already had the day off. Yippee! to celebrate, Will and I spent the whole day galavanting around Old Town Bellingham. It was super cold, cloudy and completely picturesque. Just the perfect day for strolling around in maroon colored tights and flirty dress. But it eventually started to rain so we raced back to our little island where it was surprisingly sunny... well, cloudy/sunny. See I hate it when the sun comes out and spoils my good rainy day and I hate it when clouds spoil all the sunshine. In my opinion, there are only 2 types of good weather: All rain or all sun. None of this "partly cloudy" crap. It is always "partly cloudy" here.

But since the temperature has definitely dropped, I have definitely been craving comfort foods. Anything with a pastry crust or with a rich creamy broth, or anything covered in cheese. Last night we made another veggie pot pie (this time with peas and corn and extra butter) and simmered cider on the burner, and today I made a caramel apple pie which is currently cooling on the stove. I am a little bitter that I have to wait for Will to get off work before I can eat it, though. But I am going to try and be considerate that he had to work all day. Also, I really don't like the idea of eating a huge piece of pie by myself... I equate it to alcoholics who drink alone.
I've been wearing big sweaters and socks all week yet I refuse to close the windows. There is something about the crisp fall air that makes my skin prickle and my lungs feel infinite. And I love the romanticism it encourages. Big cups of steaming coffee clutched between your hands and cuddling under huge blankets and giant scarves and mittens. Pie, whipped cream, fall leaves- all things that are made more vibrant by the freezing air. For now anyway. I am sure that in a few months I will be sick to death of the cold. I check the weather down in Costa Mesa almost every other day and am amazed that it's so warm still. It's hard for me to imagine anywhere being 80 degrees when the high here is 48. I do miss the sunshine, tho. Whoever decided that Florida is the "Sunshine State" is crazy. Florida is the sticky, muggy, old people state. California is the epitome of sunniness.
Well I am off to pick up my hubby from work and then I am going to race back home to eat my pie. I will let you know how it is.