I bought a vintage 3 speed for forty dollars today at the thrift shop. Best forty dollars I ever spent. It needs a paint job, a new seat and a cute basket, but I think that once it's spiffied up, it will be amazing! And it will keep me busy... probably. Painting the bike alone sounds difficult, with all the sanding, stripping, disassembling and curing. Luck for me, Will's dad used to work at a bike shop back in the day so he can help me fix the breaks and alignment and stuff. Yippie! Now if only the weather would permit me to ride it to work once it's done.
It's been so gray lately. The sun finally decided to come out to play at 6pm this evening, meaning we got a full 4 hours of sunlight. Yes, the sun sets at 10 o'clock here. So as we were driving down Commercial to Blockbuster, enjoying the weather for once, a cop pulls us over for having a headlight out. Seriously guy? It looks like midday out!!! Who cares if our headlight is out!!! I guess I am mostly upset because this is the second time we've been pulled over for it AND we've ordered the parts to fix it already... and because we've gotten 3 flat tires over the course of three days. BAH! Worst luck ever. Cars and me do not mix well, which is why I bought the bike.